Friday, November 12, 2010

Oh Blog! How have I neglected you!!!????

So my posting has been less than.....Ok, I haven't posted in awhile. Summer was filled with lots of good times. Reconnected with some old friends and made lots of new ones. Tons of shows and plenty of hanging out. I moved into a new place with Corinne. The Hot Rod Fall Out came and went and it's already November. Holy shit! Where did the summer go?

Rather than attempt to post a bunch of separate post of what I did this summer....enjoy these pix

Rumblers Terryville

Gasket Goons

Murdercycles MC Hot Rod Riot V


  1. Ohmigosh. Third from the bottom? I'd like it now please!

  2. Matt, do you have some more info on that Satin Gold F100? Very clean.
