Friday, December 31, 2010

East Coast Winters....

Looks like Bonge is going to be doing some digging out........
*not sure who took this pic so I'm gonna give photo credit to Steve Bonge*

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

The 58 gets Short

Well after a bunch of going back in forth I finally decided to take the plunge and convert my F100 to a SWB. Thanks to Deek from the HAMB for providing me with the measurements and my buddy Jeff for facilitating the fab work. (The pix are slightly out order...)

Here is what I started with:

At Jeff's shop:

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Ladies & Germs.......Jeff Decker

I stumbled upon this Jeff Decker interview. It's always so rad to see someone so passionate about what they do and who they are.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Update: The Sentimental Van Project

Determined not to go through another 30 year restoration my dad and I have been really digging into the 66 A100. He has been doing most the work with me being an extra set of hands. After he stripped the interior and stainless he and I pulled the engine and all the glass. Next week I take the truck to get blasted and epoxy primed. I'm pretty stoked to see dad excited about his truck.*Note the use of the Fire helmet shell for a wheel-chock and the ridiculous use of two tires and a 1x6 for the Slant 6 to rest on*

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Friday, November 12, 2010

Hot Rod Fall Out V

HRFO V came and went. Beautiful weather and a huge turnout of show cars. We couldn't have asked for a better show. Here are some random pix from the show. Unfortunately I don't have the names of the photographers with each photo. But I can tell you many were taken by Derek Jansen,Dan Johnson, Buddy Weeners and Mark J Besso

Oh Blog! How have I neglected you!!!????

So my posting has been less than.....Ok, I haven't posted in awhile. Summer was filled with lots of good times. Reconnected with some old friends and made lots of new ones. Tons of shows and plenty of hanging out. I moved into a new place with Corinne. The Hot Rod Fall Out came and went and it's already November. Holy shit! Where did the summer go?

Rather than attempt to post a bunch of separate post of what I did this summer....enjoy these pix

Rumblers Terryville

Gasket Goons

Murdercycles MC Hot Rod Riot V

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

I Need to take More Pictures......

I need to remember to take more pictures... I usually get caught up in socializing...So anyways here are some pix from the 100% Kulture show and some randoms from the past few weeks

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

New/Old Project

My dad has been storing this van since I was a kid. It was my Grandfather's van and my dad drove it all through high school. My grandfather died before I was born and at a fairly young age in April of 1976. It hit my dad particularly hard. This van means a lot to my Dad. It's a physical connection to his father that is unchanged or altered by time...I would say it means a lot to me too..

For years the van has sat with the occasional shuffle from one garage to another. Over the past few years my dad has talked more and more about getting the van on the road. A loss of current storage has been the catalyst to get it back on the road.

My dad has always talked about mildly hot rodding it. In fact in high school he ran bigs and littles on it and could chirp the tires on it in 2nd gear. Last year I picked up another 66 A100 van with a 360 dropped in it. The plan was to originally to drop the 360 into this van but after some consideration we have decided to stick with the 225 Slant Six. The paint and body will remain largely unmodified. We are going to keep the color scheme. The only big change beyond the hopped Slant 6 will be stance/tire and wheel combo. My dad is leaning towards a little rake with mopar police rims and am leaning toward a lowered stance with astro supremes and skinny whites.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

RIP Nick Matranga

Rick Matranga passed away this week.He will be greatly missed by the hot rod and kustom community. Rest in Peace Nick

Sweet & Low Down

Finally got the front bumper back on the F100%. Also powder coated some stealies. Not sure if I'm gonna go bullets or baby moons for centers. I'll be dropping the front end another 2" by the end of summer and adding some disc brakes for additional stopping power. Overall I am pleased with my slow yet forward moving progress

Friday, February 26, 2010

Mr. Hudson

This is a pic of me an the old man circa 1979 at the Belltown Car Meet.

Firestone Racing

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Blue Beast to Snow Beast

What do you do when you loaner car has shit ass tires in a snow storm???? Drive your 71 Dodge D200 of course!