Friday, December 31, 2010

East Coast Winters....

Looks like Bonge is going to be doing some digging out........
*not sure who took this pic so I'm gonna give photo credit to Steve Bonge*

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

The 58 gets Short

Well after a bunch of going back in forth I finally decided to take the plunge and convert my F100 to a SWB. Thanks to Deek from the HAMB for providing me with the measurements and my buddy Jeff for facilitating the fab work. (The pix are slightly out order...)

Here is what I started with:

At Jeff's shop:

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Ladies & Germs.......Jeff Decker

I stumbled upon this Jeff Decker interview. It's always so rad to see someone so passionate about what they do and who they are.